Jakarta (mediapesan) – Ketua MPR RI Bambang Soesatyo atau Bamsoet mendukung Festival Jamu Gendong Nusantara pada 3-5 November 2023 di Pahlawan Street Center, Kota Madiun.
Chairman of the Indonesian People’s Consultative Assembly Bambang Soesatyo or Bamsoet supported the Nusantara Herbal Medicine Festival on November 3-5 2023 at Pahlawan Street Center, Madiun City.
Festival tersebut akan menghadirkan seribu pedagang jamu gendong serta bazaar dari berbagai pelaku UMKM Nusantara, diselenggarakan atas kerjasama Komindo Sejahtera dengan Pemerintah Kota Madiun dan Paguyuban Rempah Rimpang serta Dewan UKM DKI Jakarta.
The festival will present 1,000 herbal medicine traders and a bazaar from various Indonesian MSME actors, held in collaboration with Komindo Sejahtera, the Madiun City Government and the Rhizome Spice Association and the DKI Jakarta UKM Council.
Festival tersebut akan terselenggara dalam rangka menyemarakan Hari Pahlawan dan Hari Keuangan Nasional.
The festival will be held to celebrate Heroes’ Day and National Finance Day.
Jamu is a typical Indonesian herbal health drink, a very valuable ancestral heritage that needs to be preserved. The existence of Jamu Gendong apparently existed long before Indonesia became independent. It is even said that it has existed since the time of the Hindu-Buddhist kingdom.
“Keberadaannya telah memegang peranan penting dalam pemeliharaan kesehatan dan kebugaran sekaligus penyangga perekonomian masyarakat nusantara sejak ratusan tahun silam,” ujar Bamsoet usai menerima panitia Festival Jamu Gendong Nusantara, di Jakarta, Rabu (6/9/2023).
“Its existence has played an important role in maintaining health and fitness as well as supporting the economy of the people of the archipelago for hundreds of years,” said Bamsoet after receiving the Jamu Gendong Nusantara Festival committee, in Jakarta, Wednesday (6/9/2023).
Panitia yang hadir antara lain, Helena Davis, Shita, Farida, Imlahyudin, Djaka Suryadi, dan Adi Sumarna.
The committee present included, among others, Helena Davis, Shita, Farida, Imlahyudin, Djaka Suryadi, and Adi Sumarna.
Popularitas Jamu diprediksi meningkat, karena kesadaran masyarakat semakin tergerak untuk menjaga kesehatan dan daya tahan tubuh.
The popularity of Jamu is predicted to increase, because public awareness is increasingly moved to maintain health and endurance.
“Di tahun 2019, industri jamu dan obat tradisional mampu tumbuh di atas 6 persen. Di tahun 2020 dan selanjutnya, pertumbuhannya naik tajam. Pelaku industri jamu juga semakin menjamur. Tercatat sudah lebih dari 1.200 pelaku industri jamu, sekitar 129 diantaranya masuk kategori industri obat tradisional,” jelas Bamsoet.
“In 2019, the herbal and traditional medicine industry was able to grow above 6 percent. In 2020 and beyond, growth will increase sharply. The herbal medicine industry is also mushrooming. It has been recorded that more than 1,200 herbal medicine industry players, around 129 of them are in the category of the medicinal industry. traditional,” explained Bamsoet.
Potensi ekonomi keberlanjutan dari Jamu Nusantara juga sangat besar. Mengingat Indonesia memiliki lebih dari 30.000 spesies tumbuhan maupun sumber daya laut yang bisa dimanfaatkan untuk bahan olahan Jamu.
The economic potential for sustainability of Jamu Nusantara is also very large. Considering that Indonesia has more than 30,000 species of plants and marine resources that can be used for herbal medicine preparations.
“Karenanya, pemerintah dan masyarakat perlu hadir memberikan dukungan terhadap keberadaan pedagang Jamu agar tetap eksis. Sehingga dari alam Indonesia, dikelola pelaku usaha Indonesia, agar bisa bermanfaat bagi bangsa Indonesia dan menembus pasar dunia,” pungkas Bamsoet.
“Therefore, the government and society need to be present to provide support for the existence of herbal medicine traders so that they continue to exist. So that they are from Indonesian nature, managed by Indonesian business actors, so that they can benefit the Indonesian people and penetrate the world market,” concluded Bamsoet.