Banyuwangi (mediapesan) – Insiden kecelakaan lalulintas (laka lantas) dijalur perlintasan kereta api tanpa palang pintu berlokasi di Kelurahan Klatak, Kecamatan Kalipuro, Banyuwangi, Jawa timur, Rabu (30/8/2023).

The traffic accident incident (traffic accident) on a railway crossing without a gate was located in Klatak Village, Kalipuro District, Banyuwangi, East Java, Wednesday (30/8/2023).

Terjadinya laka lantas kali itu melibatkan KA Pandan Wangi relasi Banyuwangi – Jember dengan mobil Avanza sekitar pukul 10.00 WIB.

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The accident occurred this time involving the Pandan Wangi train from Banyuwangi – Jember with an Avanza around 10.00 WIB.

“Kecelakaan ini adalah kedua kalinya di tahun 2023 pada jalur perlintasan yang sama, sama-sama dengan minibus. beruntung tidak ada korban serius. Hanya saja dua orang korban yang ada di dalam minibus mengalami luka ringan,” terang Kapolsek Kalipuro AKP Hadi Waluyo kepada awak media.

“This is the second accident in 2023 on the same crossing route, both with a minibus. fortunately there were no serious casualties. “It’s just that the two victims in the minibus suffered minor injuries,” explained Kalipuro Police Chief AKP Hadi Waluyo to the media crew.

Dari rekaman CCTV yang beredar, Mobil Toyota Avanza ber Nopol P 1051 XC yang dikendarai Heru Gunawan (48) penumpang Sumiati (48) itu diduga tidak mengetahui adanya kereta api yang hendak melintas.

From the circulating CCTV footage, the Toyota Avanza car with Police No. P 1051 XC driven by Heru Gunawan (48) passenger Sumiati (48) allegedly did not know there was a train that was about to pass.

Meskipun klakson Kereta Api yang hendak melewati perlintasan sudah berbunyi, sopir mobil itu pun terus melaju dari arah Barat ke Timur. Sedangkan dari arah berlawanan, terlihat pengendara motor dan mobil berhenti untuk memberikan jalan pada kereta. Apesnya, jarak kereta api yang sudah dekat membuat kecelakaan tidak terhindarkan.

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Even though the horn of the train that was about to pass through the crossing had sounded, the driver of the car kept going from west to east. Meanwhile, from the opposite direction, motorcyclists and cars could be seen stopping to give way to the train. Unfortunately, the close distance of the train made the accident inevitable.

Menurut warga sekitar mengatakan, untung body depan minibus tersebut telah melewati rel. Sehingga lokomotif kereta api Pandan Wangi dari arah Selatan menuju ke Utara hanya menabrak bagian belakang mobil minibus dan terpental sejauh 20 meter.

According to local residents, fortunately the front body of the minibus had crossed the tracks. So the Pandan Wangi train locomotive from the south to the north only hit the back of the minibus and was thrown 20 meters away.

“Diduga sopirnya terburu-buru, karena pengendara lainnya yang dari arah Timur sudah berhenti saat melihat kereta api mendekat” kata warga sekitar.

“It is suspected that the driver was in a hurry, because other drivers coming from the east had stopped when they saw the approaching train,” said a local resident.

Tampak dari sistem peringatan di perlintasan rel kereta api ini sudah lama tak berfungsi dan sering error.

It can be seen from the warning system at this railway crossing that it has not been functioning for a long time and often has errors.

Peristiwa kecelakaan ini menjadi pengingat, bahwa jalur perlintasan rel kereta api tanpa palang pintu sangat memerlukan perhatian serius, terutama untuk sistem peringatan bisa lebih dikontrol fungsinya, guna untuk mencegah terjadinya kecelakaan serupa di masa depan.

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This incident is a reminder that a railroad crossing without a gate really needs serious attention, especially for the warning system to have more controllable functions, in order to prevent similar accidents from happening in the future.
