| Puluhan jurnalis yang tergabung dalam Koalisi Advokasi Jurnalis (KAJ) Sulawesi Selatan menggelar aksi damai di depan Pengadilan Negeri (PN) Makassar, Kamis (25/4/2024).
Aksi ini sebagai bentuk penolakan terhadap pembungkaman Pers dan teror yang sering dialami oleh jurnalis dalam menjalankan tugas mereka.
KAJ Sulsel merupakan gabungan dari empat organisasi pers, yaitu Ikatan Jurnalis Televisi Indonesia (IJTI) Sulsel, Aliansi Jurnalis Independen (AJI) Kota Makassar, Pewarta Foto Indonesia (PFI) Kota Makassar, dan Perhimpunan Jurnalis Indonesia (PJI) Sulsel.
Aksi damai ini merespons sidang lanjutan gugatan terhadap dua jurnalis di PN Makassar.
Ketua KAJ Sulsel, Andi Muhammad Sardi, menegaskan bahwa pers memiliki peran penting sebagai kontrol sosial dan harus independen dalam menjalankan tugasnya.
Saya tegaskan, pers memiliki peran penting sebagai kontrol sosial dan harus independen dalam menjalankan tugasnya, ujar Sardi.
Salah satu contoh yang disoroti adalah gugatan terhadap dua media daring, dan, beserta dua wartawan dan narasumbernya oleh lima mantan Staf Khusus (Stafsus) Gubernur Sulsel Andi Sudirman Sulaiman.
Nominal gugatannya mencapai Rp.700 miliar, yang dinilai berlebihan dan tidak mempertimbangkan peran Dewan Pers sebagai mediator.
Pemidanaan jurnalis atas karya jurnalistiknya merupakan preseden buruk bagi kemerdekaan pers di Indonesia, tegas Sardi.
KAJ Sulsel bersama LBH Pers Makassar akan terus mengawal kasus ini hingga tuntas.
Empat organisasi profesi ini akan mengawal melalui non-litigasi, mengingat dua jurnalis ikut digugat.
LBH Pers Makassar mendampingi perusahaan media yang digugat untuk pembuktian di pengadilan.
Aksi damai ini juga menjadi kampanye untuk menolak pembungkaman Pers dan teror terhadap jurnalis.
Jurnalis memiliki hak untuk menyampaikan informasi kepada publik tanpa rasa takut. ***
Dozens of Journalists in South Sulawesi Hold Peaceful Action Against Press Silencing | Dozens of journalists who are members of the South Sulawesi Journalist Advocacy Coalition (KAJ) held a peaceful demonstration in front of the Makassar District Court (PN), Thursday (25/4/2024).
This action is a form of rejection of the silencing of the press and the terror that journalists often experience in carrying out their duties.
KAJ Sulsel is a combination of four press organizations, namely the Indonesian Television Journalists Association (IJTI) South Sulawesi, the Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI) Makassar City, Indonesian Photo Reporters (PFI) Makassar City, and the Indonesian Journalists Association (PJI) South Sulawesi.
This peaceful action was in response to the continued trial of the lawsuit against two journalists at the Makassar District Court.
Chairman of South Sulawesi KAJ, Andi Muhammad Sardi, emphasized that the press has an important role as social control and must be independent in carrying out its duties.
I emphasize that the press has an important role as social control and must be independent in carrying out its duties, said Sardi.
One example highlighted is the lawsuit against two online media, and, along with two journalists and their sources by five former Special Staff (Stafsus) of the Governor of South Sulawesi, Andi Sudirman Sulaiman.
The nominal amount of the lawsuit reaches IDR 700 billion, which is considered excessive and does not take into account the role of the Press Council as a mediator.
The criminalization of journalists for their journalistic work is a bad precedent for press freedom in Indonesia, said Sardi.
KAJ South Sulawesi together with LBH Pers Makassar will continue to monitor this case until it is resolved.
These four professional organizations will oversee non-litigation, considering that two journalists were also sued.
LBH Pers Makassar accompanies media companies that are being sued to provide evidence in court.
This peaceful action is also a campaign to reject the silencing of the press and terror against journalists.
Journalists have the right to convey information to the public without fear. *** (pl)